Knav Bar

Welcome to my Website!

My name is Kyle and this is my own little corner of the interwebs. I literally just started building this site up today and it's going to be about a week before I have much up and running.

A little about me: I'm married to a wonderful woman, I also have three siblings who kick ass. I'm an artist, I love to draw and paint, and I love music, though I don't often make my own music. I'm a fan of retro games from the NES, SNES, Playstation, and PS2. I love Dungeons and Dragons, other TTRPGs, Pokemon TCG and boardgames, and I love anime and manga.

Update Log


+ Simpler style! + Easier to view on smaller devices


+ New blog post!


+ The Blog page is up!
+ The Home and Blog links work on the Knave Bar
+ Added some cool gifs to show people I'm a Retro boy!
+ Added a crappy website title graphic (gonna improve it soon)


+ I started this website today! Yay-yeah!
