More Matcha?...


The Trouble with Looking at the Screen When I Write...

Lately I've noticed that I've been writing more. Not here so much, mostly in my journals or on a document on my computer. Writing on my computer is useful because I can type works faster than I can write them; faster than I can judge them. I've often suffered from a problem where when I look at what I'm typing, I can judge and edit the words, and sentences, and myself. I can look at what's wrong and how it's not enough. My solution to this is to not look at the screen while I type unless it's to check a spelling error, correct it, then look back at my keyboard and continuetyping. I find that I can think less about how the word blocks look and think more about what I want to say. Usually a lot more comes out when I write this way. My thoughts are also usually clearer, and my sentences are more cohiesive since I'm also not constantly interupting my writing to read and judge what I've just written. Something you might try if you deal with the same problem when writing your personal thoughts. --

Cutting Coffee; My Progress So Far...

So, I need to clarify something. I often use the words "caffeine" and "coffee" interchangeably, but I'll try to keep it straight, at least for this post. I've been without coffee for about a week and a half. That's big for me. Though, I've not been without caffiene. I've simply switched to tea, and primarily matcha tea. I estimate that my daily caffeine consumption was probably about 400-600mg per day before cutting coffee. Now, I'd estimate that number to be around 100-200mg per day. That's about a third of what I was consuming. Progress. --

IF you want to know about the incredibly credible benefits of drinking matcha, watch this video it's excellent!
If you want to read about matcha caffiene read more here!
IF you want to read some tips on switching from coffee to matcha without the nasty withdrawal effects click here!

Anyways, I'll update again soon! Have a wonderful day!

Matcha Hunting...


Hello! ...Yesterday my me and my wife went driving around looking for ceremonial matcha. We checked out a couple asian stores and a couple Whole Foods type of markets. I learned that ceremonial matcha isn't very common especially in the asian stores, oddly enough! I mostly found it in regular grocery stores. The other thing I noticed about what I did find in these stores is that often the matcha powders, unless it specifically stated ceremonial, are usually meant for culinary purposes and many do state that it's "culinary matcha". Meaning the matcha can be used primarily for making lattes and foods, not necessarily for consuming alone as a tea, though you can.
The ceremonial graded matcha has a much more saturated green color and is much less bitter. This makes sense, since you'd likely want a tea that's less bitter if you're not preparing it with cream and sugar.

Anyways, I'll update again soon! Have a wonderful day!

What's been Up!


A Pain in My Mouth... :P

So, I must have bitten my tongue or something, but 3 days ago my tongue got all swollen and painful and I had to be very slow and careful when I ate because it just hurt so damn much! It's the sort of thing that can just make life miserable since eating usually brings me joy, but it was so painful. On top of that, I've been cutting WAY back on caffeine and that was leaving me feeling like a human-dumpster-fire. So, with all of that I wasn't doing much besides my day job.

Cutting Caffeine!?...

Today, however, I'm off of coffee (except decaf) and have been drinking tea! Also, I feel a LOT better. My energy is WAY more stable. A big part of that is I'm getting much better sleep and so I feel like I don't need coffee as much. Also, I bought some matcha latte mix, and I'm really enjoying that in the morning. It's got much less caffeine, but I feel less anxious during the day. Anyways, I think I'm over the big hump from caffeine withdrawals. From here, I'm going to have one cup of matcha and maybe a tea in before noon. I'd like to stay away from caffeine after noon, and I'd even like to stay at the one matcha drink in the morning. Progress!

Games I've Been Playing...

One thing I have been doing after work the last few days is playing Pokemon TCG for the Gameboy Color! That game is a trip back to a time where the Pokemon trading card game was simpler and I was excited to play. Anyways, I'll update again soon! Have a wonderful day!

Things I Want To Improve About This Space...

  • I want to add a guestbook, so I need to learn MongoDB. That'll take a little while, but not too long.

  • I'm working on adding bare-bones responsiveness so I can view my own website from a phone or tablet. I'll probably be done with that today or soon.

  • I want to add more gifs, and graphics! Mandatory stuff for me.

  • That's all for my wishlist. For now, at least ;D

    Anyways, I'll update again soon! Have a wonderful day!

    Today is the Birth of My Own Webspace!


    Hello! I've been having fun figuring out what I want to do with my new site. There's so much I want to do and, also, I'm rusty as hell with my HTML/CSS/JS skills, so I'm finding myself on a bunch to brush up on these. I've also been surfing Neocities to find other kick-ass websites and, boy, I've found a ton. Aside from that, I'm working on the art for a TTRPG that my brother and I are working on. Slowly but surely. I have yet to get my Art Gallery up on my site, but I'll get there! There's so much I want to get going, like an RSS feed and some other crap, I'm sure. Anyways, I'll update again soon! Have a wonderful day!

    Here are some really cool sites I've found today!
    Pokemon Booster Pack Simulator!
    Make your own GIF PET!